Marta Jecu

My academic formation reflects the interdisciplinary character of my work. I have B.A. degree in Theory of Art, M.A. in Cultural Anthropology, PhD in interdisciplinary artistic studies at Interart College, Freie Universitaet Berlin. My work is combining cultural anthropology, visual studies, heritage studies and considers visual arts as a means for innovative transmission of social and cultural content. My post-doctorate in Lisbon (2011-2017) benefited of a FCT GRANT at the institute CICANT, ULHT. Here I further developed the theoretical work connected to heritage enhancement, monument studies, personal and collective memory and the role of contemporary art for innovation in these disciplines. During this time, I wrote ‘Architecture and the Virtual’, published at University at Chicago Press. In the last 1o years, I have published 4 edited volumes (1 in preparation now) at international editors in Berlin, Paris, Lisbon), 6 research booklets, 12 peer review articles in international journals and books, aprox. 4 articles/year in art magazines and catalogues. I have conceived and organised 11 international conferences and participated at 21 international conferences.
Personal websites:

Margarida Brito Alves

Associate Professor at the Department of Art History of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where she coordinates the PhD in Art History and vice-coordinates the PhD in Art Studies - Art and Mediations. She is an integrated researcher at the Institute of Art History, coordinating the research line "Spatial Practices in Contemporary Art". She is the author of the books O Espaço na Criação Artística do Século XX. Heterogeneity. Three-dimensionality. Performativity (Lisbon: Colibri, 2012) and A Revista Colóquio / Artes (Lisbon: Colibri, 2007).

Margarida Belchior

She is the national coordinator of a European Sociodrama Project funded by ERASMUS +: PERFORMERS 2: SCENE. She holds a PhD in Education (2013), University of Lisboa (Institute of Education) and is a board member of Jardim Infantil Pestalozzi. Her expertise in the field of education is essential for this project in what concers methodologies and practice of working with children and adults in educative programs – namely following the sociodrama method (that provokes a critical confrontation of the subject with a certain theme).

Arantxa Ciafrino

Is a doctoral candidate in Sociomuseology at Universidade Lusófona, supported by a Research Scholarship from the UNESCO Chair - "Education, Citizenship, and Cultural Diversity." She also serves as a researcher at the CeiED - Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development Center and is an active member of research project CARIM, through a Scholarship founded by the FCT. Her academic journey includes a bachelor's degree in Museology from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) and a master's degree in Contemporary Art History and Visual Culture from a collaborative program involving the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), and the Reina Sofía National Museum.

Henrique Godoy

Currently benefits from a Scholarship from CARIM Project as student reaseacher and a PhD Candidate for Sociomuseology in ULHT; has a Master’s Degree in Museology from the same institution and obtained maximum score with the defended dissertation: ‘Imagens e Memórias Colectivas: O Museu Nacional Resistência e Liberdade em Peniche'. Graduated in Photography at Universidade Paulista in São Paulo, Brazil.

Judite Santos Primo

is holder of the UNESCO Chair "Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity" since 2018. Integrated Researcher at R&D CeiED. She is FCT' Principal Researcher, (FCT CEECIND / 04717/2017 "Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity: Theory and Practice of Sociomuseology") hired since 2019. She holds a PhD in Education - University Portucalense Infante D. Henrique (2007) and has experience in the field of Museology, with an emphasis on Sociomuseology, acting mainly on the following themes: Sociomuseology, Heritage, Local museums, Social memory, Community intervention, Dialogic and participatory methodologies. She has published 15 articles, 8 book chapters and 5 books; organized 77 events and participated in 44 events.

Cristiana Santiago Tejo

is an integrated member of the Department of Art History at Nova de Lisboa. She was a fellow researcher at the Project Artists and Radical Education in Latin America 1960s and 1970s (2018-2019) financed by FCT. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology (2017) from the University State of Pernambuco. She has published chapters in the following books: "Teresa Burga: Aleatory Structures" (JRP Editions, 2018). The main points of her research are Latin America, Art education, radical pedagogies, decolonial thought
and practices.

Mário Caneva Moutinho

is the Dean of Universidade Lusofona ULHT. He is Vice President of MINON-ICOM; Board member of the UNESCO Chair "Education, Citizenship and Cultural Diversity". He holds a PhD in Cultural Anthropology (1983) Université ParisVII-Jussieu and a Degree in Architecture (1972) Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Beaux Arts Paris. He published 38 articles in specialized magazines, 12 books. Received 5 awards. He is the founder of the Journal of Sociomuseology and a member of the Editorial Board. Prof. Judite Primo and Prof. Mario Moutinho are the main experts of the school of sociomuseology, in which this project aims to be inscribed. They will support inconceiving the theoretical sustentation of the project and embedding relevant theories of art into the field of museology. Their input is nuclear for this project on a theoretical and conceptual line, but also for their vast experience with engaged social practice in the context
of museology.

José Manuel Gomes Pinto

is a Vice-Dean ECATI, ULHT since 2012 and is a Professor at the ULHT, Lisbon and Porto . He is also a Vice-President of the Portuguese National Association of Communication. He holds a Ph.D in Philosophy: Aesthetics and Art Theory (Salamanca University). Hemain areas of work are Aesthetics and Art Theory, Media Art and Media Theory, Philosophy of Technology, Philosophy of Communication. His specialisation in Communication Design and technologies, as well as in New Media and digital interfaces of institutions, is a valuable expertise for CARIM regarding analyses of the display and comunication policy of museums in theory and practice.

Paula Ribeiro Lobo

is Invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Art History of FCSH - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. She holds a PhD in Contemporary Art History from the same university, with a thesis on the relation of Portuguese 20th century art with the image and imaginary of the Portuguese colonial empire. As a full member of IHA-Instituto de História da Arte, she integrates the Contemporary Art Studies research group. Her research interests include contemporary art interactions with memory and history, artistic experimental pedagogies, and transnational articulations of art and politics.

Background Image: 'Escola Panapaná' from Denilson Baniwa at Pinacoteca de São Paulo in 2023.
Credits: Isabella Matheus – Reproduction Pinacoteca de São Paulo


Françoise Vergès

Françoise Vergès is a French political scientist, historian, independent curator, activist and public educator. Her work focuses on postcolonial studies. Vergès was born in Paris, grew up in Réunion and Algeria. She holds a PhD in Political Science, from the University of California, Berkeley in 1995, published under the title Monsters and revolutionaries: Colonial family romance and grooming. She published more than 14 books and held teaching positions all over the world. The was the supervisor of the PI at FMSH in Paris, while she held the Chair Global South. At this time we engaged together in various projects. Due to her outstanding expertise and experience in de-colonial curating, educative programs in public institutions and history of de-colonial thinking, having her as a consultant for this project is an extraordinary privilege. Her international networks (with professionals and institutions) would open possibilities of future collaborations and extensions of this project.

Sara Alonso Gómez

Sara Alonso Gomez is art historian, curator and associate researcher at Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires de l’UFR Lettres, Arts, Cinéma (CERILAC) fromthe University of Paris. She is a specialist in artistic dis-obedience and radical artistic act. She published also on new media arts. Her expertise is important regarding art history and theory, in an European and Latin American context, but also as an export in post-colonial theory in the field of contemporary arts.

Maurício Rafael

Museologist and cultural manager. PhD Candidate in Museology from ULHT. Has a Master's Degree in Museology from São Paulo University (USP). Specialist in Cultural Management by Centro de Pesquisa e Formação do Serviço Social do Comércio (SESC/SP). Graduated in Museology by Centro Universitário Barriga
Verde (UNIBAVE).

Alexa Färber

Alexa Färber holds a full professorship at the Institute of European Ethnology at the University of Wien (Austria) since 2018. Here she connects cultural analysis of the everyday with the anthropological of knowledge. The professorship has an emphasis on the historical dimensioning of everyday cultures. She has worked primarily conceptually in frequently interdisciplinary working contexts and has published, among others, on the "tangibility of the city" (2010), "low-budget urbanity" (2016) and the city as "promissory assemblage" (2019). Since 2010, she has been a member of the French-German research network "Penser l'urbain par l'image". Her expertise is essential for this project as her current field of research are cultural institutions (in a historical and recent perspective), their urban role and the expectations of citizen connected to them. Her theoretical perspective- -anthropology of knowledge can be a valuable support in the current research on museums and their civic role.

Background Image: 'Escola Panapaná' from Denilson Baniwa at Pinacoteca de São Paulo in 2023.
Credits: Isabella Matheus – Reproduction Pinacoteca de São Paulo


  • CeiED – Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento

  • Departamento de Museologia – Universidade Lusófona

  • CICANT – Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies

  • Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – Instituto de História da Arte

  • EMERGE — Cultural Association

  • Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia – Museu Geológico

  • Agrupamento de Escolas Patrício Prazeres

  • LARGO Residências